Pupil and Sports Premium

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is funding provided by the government. It is intended to address the achievement gap between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and children do not receive this funding. It is for individual schools to decide how the money is spent.

At Kibworth Primary School, the Pupil Premium is used to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential regardless of their social situation. Pupil premium resources may also be used to target more able children.

How much do we receive?

Kibworth Primary school receives £1320 per child who is eligible for FSM, £2300 for adopted or looked after children and £300 for children who have parents in service. This financial year Kibworth will receive £82,020 in 4 instalments.

What is the funding used for?

We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils. Appropriate provision is made for pupils that belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed. Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. This will be through whole school monitoring of data, assessments and discussions with the class teacher. We recognise that not all pupils that receive Pupil Premium funding will be socially disadvantaged.


Discussions with the advisory board, parents, staff and children clearly shows the value of how this funding is allocated at Kibworth C of E Primary School. Parents of children receiving the support are fully supportive of the process and recognise the benefits this gives their children. The impact is monitored termly and is clearly identified in our pupil’s progress tracking.

Sports Premium

The school believes that physical education plays a vital role in contributing to a child’s physical and emotional development and well-being.

What We Offer

We aim to provide as many sporting opportunities as we can for all our pupils within the curriculum, extra-curricular activities and competitions. Presently we offer thirteen different sports clubs within the school which include – netball, football, rugby, basketball, multi- skills, fun and fitness, cricket, athletics, baseball, gymnastics, golf, dance and fencing

The school offers swimming lessons for all children in year 3. Children are swimming for 16 hours during the year. Based on year 3 data and a survey carried out in year 6, 78% of children leaving school achieved the statuary requirements (confidently swimming a distance of 25m in recognized stroke and to perform self rescue).

Long Term Vision

Our long term vision is to develop a Discovery Schools Sports Programme. The programme would see a wide range of sports and events being delivered so that all children and young people would have access to them. In order to do this a dedicated PE team constantly monitoring, evaluating and improving PE and sport provision. Specialist coaches would work across the cluster of schools in curriculum and after-school time. By pooling a percentage of the funding across the Discovery schools a strong, sustainable sports partnership would be developed.

PE Funding Plans

This funding will enable the school to build on the quality of PE and sports provision throughout the school. Also it will enable us to provide additional sporting opportunities for the children both in the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities and competitions.