

The Vision At Kibworth

To create e-confident learners:

  • Who are able to find, access and process information.
  • Who have the skills to choose and use technology efficiently and adapt their skills to meet the challenge of new technologies.
  • Who can use a range of technologies to communicate effectively and appropriately.

Children at Kibworth Primary use the Internet on a regular basis as an integral part of their learning. In school, we have regular eSafety activities to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online.

In our changing world, children are ever more exposed to a variety of different media and information. Increasing provision of the Internet both in and out of school brings with it the need to ensure our learners are safe!

Here are some tips and useful links to help you to keep your children safe online:

h2bSafer Safety Online

h2bSafer is an e-Safety website which provides information about how we can keep our children stay safe on the internet. Social media has become a key concept within e-Safety with more and more children having access to these platforms. h2bSafer tackles these problems by showing how children can be safer whilst using social media. These include how to set privacy settings, how to report inappropiate material and how to block people who are trying to contact you or your child. As well as this, h2bSafer looks at emerging trends in the online world including radicalisation and hacking.

Here are some of the areas the h2bSafer website covers

Social Media Privacy and Checklist

 Facebook Checklist

 Instagram Checklist

 Snapchat Checklist

 Twitter Checklist