
To view the current catchment map for our school, please download the document below:

  • Kibworth Curch of England Primary School Catchment Map

(need link)

Kibworth Church of England Primary School has a published admission number of 90.

In Leicestershire, primary and infant schools offer a school place for a child of four years of age from the autumn term following their fourth birthday. However, statutory school age is from the first term after your child’s fifth birthday.

This means that:

  • A child turning 5 in the Autumn term must start school no later than from the start of the Spring term.
  • A child turning 5 in the Spring term must start school no later than from the start of the Summer term.
  • A child turning 5 in the Summer term must start school no later than the following Autumn term.

An application for a First Time Admission place in a primary school must be made to the Local Authority where you live, e.g. if you live within Leicestershire, you must complete their application form for primary school places. To apply online or download the application form, please visit the Leicestershire County Council website via the link below:

Applications must be made by 15th January 2022 for a school place when your child is due to start school for the first time or moving from infant to junior school in 2022.

If you fail to name your catchment area school as one of your preferences a place will not automatically be offered at that school if all your other preferences are unsuccessful. This is because by then your catchment school may have been filled.

You can get advice from the School Admissions Service via telephone on 0116 305 6684, email at or via the admissions section of the Leicestershire County Council website:

You can also contact the catchment school direct and speak to someone there who could give you further information about First Time Admissions.

Applying online is by far the easiest way to make an application and has many benefits. It is safe and secure and you get an email confirming your submittal. You can submit your online application here. This communication is also used to inform you of your actual school place. Applications made by post have confirmation sent back in the post and can take up to 5 working days to receive.

It is important to complete the application form (either online or in paper form) with as much information as you can. Places are allocated using “Priority Criteria”. If there are too many requests, and schools Admission Numbers (AN) are exceeded priority will be given to children in the appropriate age-range, whose parents applied on time, in the following order:

1stA ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order.
2ndPupils that live in the catchment area of the school
3rdPupils that have an older sibling attending the school at the same time, regardless if they live in the catchment area or not
4thPupils who have a serious medical condition or exceptional social or domestic needs that make it essential they attend the school requested. (Professional documentation confirming the situation must be submitted with the application)
5thChildren of teaching staff
6thPupils living nearest to the school measured in a straight-line distance (home to school front gate)



1stA looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions as prescribed in Section 22(1) of the Childcare Act 1989 at the time of making the application. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to residence order 19 in special guardianship order). In such circumstances, a letter from the last Local Authority in which the child was in the care of will be required.
2ndThe child’s place of residence is taken to be the parental/guardian home. Living in the catchment area does not guarantee you a place at your catchment school.
3rdThe term “siblings” includes half brother or sister legally adopted child being regarded as the brother or sister.
4thProfessional supporting documentation from the Lead Professional must be supplied and must be submitted with the application. The following list are the areas that are considered exceptional: a. Children of Crown Servants b. Children subject to Child Protection Plans Parents suffering domestic violence. This is dependent on documentary evidence by a Lead Professional
5thChildren of teaching staff who (a) have worked in the school over two years, or (b) have been recruited to fill a post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage
6thMeasurement of distance is in a straight line from the centre point of the home property to the school’s main designated front gate, using a computerised mapping system.


We hold Open Day and evening events at school each year, some just for parents and some with your children, and once you have been confirmed a place (usually April/May), we work closely with the pre schools, playgroups and nurseries in the local area to learn more about your child to enable them to get the best start possible to our school.

To contact the school please phone 0116 308 7966 or email us on

If you are seeking to move your child(ren) to Kibworth CE Primary School after they have started a different school, you will need to apply online on Leicestershire County Council’s website. Click here for more details.

For further advice or to apply for a mid-year transfer please contact the School Admissions Service on telephone 0116 305 6684 or email admissions at

Our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 90 and the maximum number of pupils on roll across the whole school that we can accommodate is 630. Please see attached document here for further details. 

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Admissions Form

(need to request form)